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Basic Wills: Do YOU want to decide WHO DOES WHAT.....WHO GETS WHAT....WHO DOES NOT after you die? Remember: If you die without a valid Will your assets may be distributed according to the law rather than your wishes. This could mean that your partner receives less, or that the money goes to family members who you may not wish to receive it.
Frequently asked questions about Wills (Click Here)
Protective Property Trust Wills: Do you want to protect your share of the house from being used to pay for the surviving spouses long term care? Do you want to protect your share of the house if the surviving spouse was to remarry?
Inheritance Tax Wills: Are you afraid that the government will tax you on death at a rate of 40% on anything over the nil band rate (Currently £300,000)? Would you like to also enjoy the benefits provided by the Protective Property Trust Will?
Right to Occupy Wills: Do you want a basic will plus give someone the right to live in your property for a given time or until a specific situation arises?
Disabled Discretionary Trust Wills: Do you want to ensure that a mentally incapacitated beneficiary receives their inheritance? Do you want to ensure that you appoint people that will look after the best interests of this person in having charge over their inheritance?
Lifetime Storage and Will Review: Do you require safe storage of your Will? Would you like a free review of your Will every three years?
Lasting Powers of Attorney: Do you want to give members of your family the legal authority to look after your financial and/or personal affairs if your become mentally or physically unable to do so yourself?
Living Will / Advance Medical Directive: Do you want to express your preferences to your doctors and family about medical treatment in the event of not being able to make a decision yourself due to severe illness or accident?
Severance of Tenancy: Do you want to protect and have control over your share of your jointly owned house?
For a greater understanding of any of the above please refer to Additional Information
More About Why You Should Make a Will
Why Make a Will?
"... most people intend to make a Will... so its amazing when reports suggest that over 60% do not have a valid Will... Is PUTTING IT OFF the biggest reason for this statistic?"
Do YOU want to decide WHO DOES WHAT.....WHO GETS WHAT....WHO DOES NOT after you die?
Wills are not just about money or property, they are about meeting responsibilities and securing the future for your dependants, family, friends or even charities. Making a will and putting your affairs in order is one of the most important tasks you are likely to undertake. It is reported that 65% of people do not have valid a Will. If you die intestate (without having made a will) then the law determines how your estate (property and assets) is divided. It could mean that your partner receives less, or that the money goes to family members who you may not wish to receive it.
Married Couples Without a Will, if you have children, your spouse may only inherit half of your estate. If you do not have children, your spouse may have to share your estate with their parents-in-law.
Unmarried Couples Unless you have made a Will, your common-law partner may be getting nothing at all from your estate even if you have children together, no matter how long you have lived with on another.
Separated? If you do not make a Will, your separated husband or wife may be entitled to inherit part of your estate and may even have continuing rights in part of the remainder of the estate, including control of any Trust Fund set up for your children.
Parents Without a Will, the court will decide who should bring up your children. You should appoint at least two guardians for all children under the age of eighteen.
Everybody You may wish to leave specific items of personal sentiment or value to certain people or even your chosen charities; this can only happen if you make a Will. Having a valid Will in place is assurance that those you want to inherit WILL and those you don't WON'T.